Travel through time with us!
Each section’s title will take you to our weekly emails that follow Partners in Housings’ journey from 1991 to 2021. Enjoy!
Traveling back to the year: 1991
- Partners in Housing Gets It’s Start!
- Catching up with founding board members, Doug Carter and Chris Acker
Traveling back to the year: 1992
- Our First Property Acquisition!
- Partner Family Success: Suleeta’s Story
Traveling back to the year: 1993
- Meet Ret. Colonel Richard Conn, Partners in Housing’s first Executive Director!
- Our First Office!
- Our First Logo!
Traveling back to the years: 1994- 1995
- Partners in Housing Acquires Five HUD Homes!
Traveling back to the years: 1996-1998
- From Program Graduate to Board President, a letter from Chelley Gardner-Smith
Traveling back to the year: 1999
- We moved FOUR homes in 24 hours!
- Partners in Housing acquires another home, adding five apartments to our housing inventory!
Traveling back to the years: 2001-2002
- 60 Units Acquired for Low-Income Households!
Traveling back to the years: 2003
- Partners in Housing Acquires a Local Inn!
Traveling back to the year: 2004
- A remarkable collaboration! FOUR new homes!
- Catching up with Bob and Scott of Robert Scott General Contracting/Robert Scot Custom Homes!
“As I recall, most of the guys donated all their time — and I think we had a number back then between 3 and $400,000 that we saved in labor costs for the project. So we brought those in at what I thought was a very good price for you guys.”
Traveling back to the years: 2005-2006
- SIX NEW 3-Bedroom Townhomes!!
Over the past fifteen years, 86 families (consisting of 346 adults and children), have lived in these homes and spent time developing new skills, acquiring new resources, and building upon their own strengths to break the cycle of homelessness. We are so proud of the hard work put in by each family and their achievements in moving on to self-sufficiency!

Traveling back to the years: 2007-2008
- Q&A: Meet Frank Stampf! Partners in Housing’s New Executive Director
- The Myron Stratton Home Consortium and TWELVE New Apartments!
Traveling back to the year: 2009
- GPR Properties II Acquires Bently Commons!
- Lifting Voices and Brightening Lives!
Traveling back to the year: 2010
- Partner Success Spotlight: Roxanne Novak
- Can’t stop, won’t stop! Partners in Housing was able to acquire 14 apartment units!
Traveling back to the years: 2011-2012
- Moving Forward While Giving Back
- Mary Stegner was named as the new Executive Director!
- Volunteers Drive Donation Center Expansion!
Traveling back to the year: 2013-2014
- Partners in Housing redesigns the landscape on one of our properties!
- The Visionaries Reunite! Founding & Early Board Members, Staff, and Community Member Reunion Celebration
- Sharon’s Success Story!
- Partners in Housing is invited to participate in the Housing Colorado NOW Conference Design Charette.
Traveling back to the year: 2016
Partners in Housing celebrates 25 years!
- Video: 25 years of Serving Families in Need
- Housing and Beyond
Traveling back to the years: 2019-2020
- Our updated mission statement!
- Family Solutions Collaborative
- Getting creative in the age of COVID
- The BIG Reveal!
Thank you for traveling back in time with us!