Always Working Toward Self-Sufficiency
Summer 2012: Program Update
As of April 1, 2012, Partners in Housing will be shortening the period of assistance we provide to one year, with the possibility of extending a family’s stay up to two years on a case-by-case basis. This change reflects a new emphasis in national policy by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to transition homeless households to permanent housing more quickly. While HUD is not mandating a one-year program, we are adopting this change proactively because we hope to achieve two goals.
First, we hope that the shorter program time frame will help motivate Partner families to work aggressively on their self-sufficiency plan from the very beginning of their stay with Partners in Housing. We have observed that sometimes the two-year time frame gives Partners a window to procrastinate making life changes. We believe that a shorter program term will shape people’s frame of mind, helping Partners take the initiative and stay on track pursuing their self-sufficiency goals. Second, this change will allow us to serve more households, as Partners move through the program more quickly and housing units turn more often than before. With program demand at record levels, we need to use our housing resources as effectively as possible.