Top FAQs

What are your office hours?

Partners in Housing offices are open to the public Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

We are located on the Myron Stratton Grounds (455 Gold Pass Heights).  If you are seeking assistance or wishing to donate, you will be unable to access the grounds after 4:30 pm or on weekends because there are gates surrounding the grounds. 

For our closure schedule in 2024, click here.

What is your mission?

Partners in Housing guides families in housing crisis from insecurity to stability, self-reliance, and prosperity.

Who do you serve and how do I qualify?

Partners in Housing serves families with children experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless through our Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Families must have a dependent child under 18 years old in the household. During FY 2023-2024, we served 126 families including 274 children:

  • 97% of single-parent families were headed by single moms
  • 3% of single-parent families were headed by single fathers
  • 6% of families were headed by two-parent households
  • 1% of families were headed by grandparents

For eligibility information, click here

What is the "Family Self-Sufficiency Program"?

Partners in Housing’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program is our one-year transitional housing program with supportive services available to families with children experiencing homelessness in El Paso or Teller Counties.

This transformative experience includes:

  • One year of transitional housing, with families paying rent at 30% of their previous month’s income
  • Individualized Caseworker
  • Work It! Our career readiness program
  • Budget Counseling
  • Credit Counseling
  • Technology Assistance
  • Life Skills Classes
  • Housing Navigation
  • Childcare- Childcare is only available during program components
  • Access to two free donation centers that include furniture, clothing, baby items, food, hygiene products, household goods, and more.

How long is the waitlist?

As of March 2024, Partners in Housing has eliminated our wait list. For information on how to apply, please our Get Help page.

Prior to housing placement, families accepted into the Family Self-Sufficiency Program are offered access to our supportive services. This includes a coin operated laundry machine, a computer lab equipped with printers, a kitchen to make warm meals, money mentoring sessions, life skills classes, and our two free donation centers that include hygiene items, food, clothing, and other household goods.

What do the units look like?

We own 68 units throughout Colorado Springs that range from motel-style apartments to single-family homes. Families are placed in homes based on the size of their household. Photos shown below are of larger units that are offered to larger families with several children.

What is transitional housing?

Transitional housing is affordable supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are experiencing homelessness or those who are at imminent risk of homelessness. Services provided at transitional housing facilities vary based on the needs of the population served.

At Partners in Housing, we offer one year of transitional housing in combination with supportive services to families with children. These services include an individualized caseworker, life skills classes, one-on-one budget and credit counseling, access to two free donation centers, career readiness workshops, child care, and housing navigation. Families pay 30% of their previous month’s income to get in the habit of saving for housing beyond our program and remove evictions from their records.

How can I help?

We have a variety of ways you can get involved by giving time, donating monetarily, or by donating items to our donation centers. For a detailed list, check out our “Give Hope” page.

Here are three easy ways to support Partners in Housing in under 30 minutes:

How do families find out about you?

Families are often referred to Partners in Housing by other nonprofit organizations in our local area, such as TESSA, Family Promise, Springs Rescue Mission, or Pikes Peak United Way.

How are you funded?

Partners in Housing is funded through grants, donations, and earned income.

To take a closer look at our financials, check out “Our Financials” page.

How do you acquire properties?

There is a story for every property acquired, but for some, it was the right place and the right time. We have had the opportunity to purchase homes through HUD foreclosures, from other non-profits, and with support from other organizations. HomeAid Colorado donated materials and labor, reducing the costs to build a home for families in the program. In 1999, Partners in Housing staff moved four homes across Colorado Springs that were donated by Colorado College.

Partners in Housing does not owe mortgages on any transitional housing properties. We are currently working on a project that will be ready for occupancy in the Fall of 2023.

What is the Donation Center?

Partners in Housing has a Donation Center available to families receiving services in the Family Self-Sufficiency program.

When families are accepted in to the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, they often have few items on hand arriving without personal items or furniture. During their year-long journey to self-sufficiency, Families “shop” for free in the Donation Center so they can focus their efforts on larger financial goals during their time in the program. All items available are donated by our local community and range from mattresses to hygiene items. When families move forward from our program, they still have access to this resource.

To learn about what we accept, our highest priority needs, and other information about giving items, please visit our Give Items page. We accept donations every Tuesday at our Donation Center (450 Gold Pass Heights) from 9:00am-12:00pm. If you have household items or furniture you would like to donate, please reach out to our Volunteer and In-Kind Donation Coordinator, Tarin Hill, at .

When do you accept donated items?

Partners in Housing accepts donations Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at our Donation Center (450 Gold Pass Heights).

To learn about what we accept, our highest priority needs, directions to our donation center, and other information about giving items, please visit our Give Items page.  If you have household items or furniture you would like to donate, please reach out to us at

What do you do with "overflow" donated items at the Donation Center?

We like to reassure donors that when you give to Partners in Housing, your donated items to our Donation Center will go to an individual in need. “Overflow Donations” are items donated to our Donation Center that we are unable to give to families for a variety of reasons. This may be due to limited space, we may already have enough of the item donated, or it may not work well with the needs of Partners in Housing families. When this situation arises, we pass the donated items along to one of our “Overflow Organizations”.  Currently, we “Overflow” to Native American Ministries, GoodWill, PCs for People, and the Humane Society of Colorado Springs.

If you would like to be considered as one of Partners in Housing’s Overflow Organizations for donated items, please reach out to Tarin Hill, our Volunteer and In-Kind Donation Coordinator, at or (719) 559-3286. 

What volunteer opportunities are available?

We have a variety of positions for different personalities and abilities! At this time, our highest priority needs are for Child Enrichment Center volunteers and Donation Acceptance volunteers.

Check out our volunteer page for available positions, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get in touch with our Resource Manager!