A Transformational Opportunity

Families make a bold choice to enroll with Partners in Housing. In addition to receiving one year of transitional housing, our families commit to:
• Individualized case management
• Life skills training
• Budget and credit counseling
• Career preparedness and placement
• Housing navigation sessions

It’s not easy, but our clients embrace the opportunity to change their family’s future. We provide our clients a transformational opportunity to better their lives, to change their family’s narrative and to open doors for a brighter future. We meet our families where they are in life, and guide them to discover their potential, by highlighting and supporting their strengths and skills while offering them new resources.

Partners in Housing provides one year of housing and supportive services to families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Households include single parents, two-parent households, pregnant individuals, and grandparents. 

As of June 3rd, 2024, the Partners in Housing Transitional Housing program application process will be restructured to efficiently meet the needs of families. Due to limited housing inventory- we are unable to process applications at this time. Please check back for availability updates.

A partir del 3 de junio de 2024, el proceso de solicitud del programa de Vivienda Transicional de Partners in Housing se reestructurará para satisfacer de manera eficiente las necesidades de las familias. Debido al inventario limitado de viviendas, no podemos procesar solicitudes en este momento. Vuelva a consultar las actualizaciones de disponibilidad.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be 18 years or older
  • Applying with qualifying dependent children or pregnant 
  • Must have eligible immigration or citizenship documentation 
  • Must be able to pass a criminal background check 
  • Must be willing and able to work
  • Must be able to pass a drug test
  • The household must be currently experiencing homelessness, in imminent danger of experiencing homelessness or fleeing domestic violence

Please note: Due to limited resources, it is possible that not all qualified applicants will get accepted for the Partners in Housing program.

Partners in Housing is committed to providing a friendly and inclusive environment where each individual is welcomed and respected. Our goal is to assure that all employment and operational actions are based on qualifications and programmatic needs rather than on non-merit factors, and that no one will be denied an opportunity to share in our programs.

All applicants for the Partners in Housing program are considered equally without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical ability, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law.

Partners in Housing has developed this policy to ensure an environment free from unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Partners in Housing will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all involved are familiar with this policy and are aware that any complaint in violation of such policy will be investigated and resolved appropriately.

If for any reason you are ineligible for Partners in Housing’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program, please review our Helping Hands Resource Sheet which includes contact information ranging from childcare, crisis services, legal information & advice, disability resources, mental health resources, and more.

Si por alguna razón no es elegible para el Programa de Autosuficiencia Familiar de Partners in Housing, revise nuestra Hoja de Recursos de Manos de Ayuda, que incluye una variedad de información de contacto de apoyo que va desde cuidado de niños, servicios de crisis, información y asesoramiento legal, recursos para discapacitados, recursos de salud mental y más.

Our Services

Transitional Housing

When you commit to partnering with us, we provide one year of transitional housing paying 30% of your adjusted gross income from your previous month of work. You will be matched with a home according to your family size, accessibility, safety, and transportation needs.

Free Donation Centers

We offer access to our two free donation centers the day your family is accepted into our program. One location offers furniture, mattresses, home décor, and day-to-day clothing, while the other offers hygiene items, a pantry, interview clothing, bedding, kitchen items, and more. All items you receive can be kept when your family moves on from our program.

Personalized Case Management

Each family receives one-on-one casework to help develop a plan to achieve their goals. This plan will vary from person to person, but some common goals include improving employment, education, family well-being, and housing. Caseworkers will also help connect you with any eligible benefits and resources in our community.

Money Mentoring

During monthly appointments with our Money Mentors, you will receive budgeting counseling to improve your finances. Each month, you will have the ability to ask questions about your household budget, spending patterns, and the ability to ask questions about your finances in a nonjudgmental environment. These sessions will help you develop a savings plan and use banking services.

Credit Counseling

During credit counseling appointments, you will have the ability to meet with our Certified Credit Counselor to better your credit and create a plan to do so.


Our job readiness program, Work-It! provides one-on-one sessions with a job coach to focus on improving your resume, practice interview skills, researching training and education opportunities, and searching for improved employment.

Life Skills Classes

Life Skills Classes are offered several times a month and are centered on financial literacy, job readiness, personal growth, health, communication, and stress management. We are adhering to state regulations and are in the process of developing in-person classes.

Technology Support

During your time in our program, we provide WiFi support at no cost, free computer labs, and technology assistance if a family is in need.

Child Enrichment Center (CEC)

We know that childcare can be costly and difficult to find. During all program offerings, we provide on-site childcare through the CEC so that you can focus on achieving your goals. In addition to providing on-site childcare, the CEC offers homework help, movie and game nights, educational computer activities, an outdoor playground, nutritional snacks, holiday celebrations, and more.

Housing Navigation

Halfway through our program, families meet with our Housing Navigator. Our Housing Navigator assists families on their search for housing beyond our one-year program by identifying the key factors landlords will look at when reviewing applications, along with determining what properties make the most sense to apply with based on budget, eligibility, needs, and preferences.

Apply Today

As of June 3rd, 2024, the Partners in Housing Transitional Housing program application process will be restructured to efficiently meet the needs of families. Due to limited housing inventory- we are unable to process applications at this time. Please check back for availability updates.

A partir del 3 de junio de 2024, el proceso de solicitud del programa de Vivienda Transicional de Partners in Housing se reestructurará para satisfacer de manera eficiente las necesidades de las familias. Debido al inventario limitado de viviendas, no podemos procesar solicitudes en este momento. Vuelva a consultar las actualizaciones de disponibilidad.

If you choose to download the application, please save the form on your personal device, fill out all areas on the form, and send the completed form to our intake team at 

Apply In-Person

Our Doors are Open!

Partners in Housing is accepting applications in person at our main offices during business hours, and online! If applying in person, please come up the stairs once you arrive and our intake team will help you get started.

455 Gold Pass Heights, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm

For directions to Partners in Housing, Click Here.

Partners in Housing follows the School District 11 snow closure schedule.

*If you attempt to drop off an application outside of business hours, gates to the Myron Stratton Grounds will be locked